Welcome to Golden Squadron's Futuristic Dystopia RP!



1. Chat Rules

1.1. Treat everyone with respect, this means no racist comments, insults, or flaming.

1.2. You must speak in English at all times, although you’re allowed to use expressions from other languages.

1.3. Micspamming in any of its forms is forbidden.

1.5. Do not abuse any of the channels, this includes Spam and Metagaming. (Example: Don’t call for help when you’re kidnapped)

1.6. Propbuilding (the act of using props to reach other surfaces) is not allowed.

1.7. Propsurfing (the act of flying while physgunning props) is not


1.8. After dying, you will have to wait 3 minutes before remembering your past life (NLR). This means that you can't go back to where you died, for example.

2. Third Party Abuse

2.1. Do not use other programs to exploit the server. This includes hacking / DDoSing or scripting.

 2.2. Do not use features such as Third Person to look through walls.

3. OOC Behavior

3.1. Adverts (/advert) are exclusively IC, you cannot include OOC or illegal information in them.

3.2. PMs (Private Messages) cannot be used for IC information, use the Dark RP Radio & Channel System instead

3.3. Discussions and arguments must be settled outside of the server.

3.4. Shooting at Ammo Crates to cause an explosion is not allowed

3.5. You must not change your name in order to escape punishment.

3.6. Advertising is not allowed, this includes Discords, other Servers, mods.

4. Job Abuse

4.1. Things such as changing into MLE just to unarrest a friend is not allowed. This includes becoming an MLE to aid rebels unless a Rogue Event is authorized by an online admin.

4.2. Rebel Dealers are allowed to supply themselves

4.3. Dropping the equipment from a job to change to another one is strictly forbidden.

5. Fail RP & Metagaming

5.1. Remember that you must always act like your character would do. A Rebel and a MLE Officer have different behaviors and it should be reflected in the RP.

5.2. Only do things that make sense from an IC standpoint.

5.3. Trolling of any kind is a bannable offense.

5.4. Abide to Real Life physics and principles.

5.5. Do not provoke Government Officials into a shootout while as a rebel. Only attack them with a valid reason. (See the “Rebels” Rule Section)

5.6. Do not use OOC information to your IC advantage. This includes but is not limited to: Using Rebel door codes when changing to MLE, knowing the secret entrances while being a Government Official (unless the information is achieved by interrogation).

5.7. Your character must have a suitable name. Since this RP takes place in South London, british names would be more commonplace. (Ex: You can have a German name but don't name yourself “Penis Johnson”. )

6. Killing/Arresting

6.1. Both rebels and Government Officials require a reason for killing. (In-Depth explanation in the “Rebels” section)

6.2. MLE members need a reason to arrest someone. Ex: If you see a Citizen ignoring or breaking laws, you are allowed to interrogate them / arrest them.

6.3. MLE members can only proceed to arrest someone if they:

    Don’t have a weapon unholstered
    Are a Citizen / Rebel
    Aren’t shooting at them.

This means that MLE can’t bust into a door during a raid and start arresting everyone still shooting at them.

7. Fear RP

7.1. If you’re under gunpoint, you must obey the demands and orders of the person aiming the gun unless it’s in safety. Fail RP orders are not allowed, call a staff member.

7.2. You cannot unholster your weapon under gunpoint.

7.3. In order to keep an armed group (on safety / patrolling) under gunpoint, you must be superior in force and have your weapons out.


8. Rebel Rules

8.1. Rebels are indistinguishable from normal citizens. That means that you’re not able to tell apart other rebels without asking them.

8.2. You can’t kill teammates or civilians without a reason. Even then, it’s better to call staff members.

8.3. Rebel Dealers can supply themselves and other rebels. They do not have any fighting limitation.

8.4. Rebels can’t kill MLE or UG without a valid reason. Valid reasons will be detailed in the next section.

7.5. Rebels are allowed to pick up Government Official weapons when they die.

7.6. They are also allowed to base anywhere that is hidden to the public. (More info in the basing section)

7.7. Rebels don’t have a group chat, but you can organize a radio channel with your mates using the /channel and /radio commands. MLE is also allowed to get this information in interrogations.

9. Raiding, Killing and Rebel Actions

9.1. There are 3 kinds of rebel raids:

    PD Raid (15 mins cooldown - at least 3 other rebels that must assist)
    Plaza Raid, the “plaza” is the zone in front of the PD. A PD raid and a Plaza raid can’t happen at the same time. (30 mins cooldown - at least 5 other rebels must assist)
    Takeover. A takeover is a rebel operation that aims to take control of the entire town. (1 hour cooldown - 8 rebels must be active in order to start it, assists aren’t necessary)

9.2. When raiding, rebels must have their weapons or lockpicks out.

9.3. Citizens are allowed to take part in raids,  but they can't be the ones starting them.

9.4. Rebels aren’t allowed to spawn camp Government Officials, since these must go to the PD in order to resupply.

9.5. Government Officials can raid confirmed rebel bases without adverting. There are some requirements to be met before organizing a raiding party:

    There must be at least 3 GO (Government Officials) in order to conduct a raid.
    If Urban Garrison is on, there must be at least 1 of them in it.
    Only Senior Field Officers and above are allowed to make raiding parties. (WKs included)

9.6. Rebels can only kill MLE / UG in these situations:

    Self-Defense (Do not break Fear-RP)
    Patrol Ambushes (More info in 9.7.)
    When Government Officials are encountered in the sewers.

9.7. GO patrols can only be ambushed if these requirements are met:

    The patrol must be patrolling a secluded or shady zone.
    The ambushers must be atleast 2.

9.8. When being raided by GOs, the defenders can’t spawn props or block anything during the shootout.

9.9. Rebels are allowed to kidnap MLE & UG officers in order to get information from them. Kidnap Specific rules:

    You can only kidnap one GO at a time.
    The maximum price available when trading hostages is 5000€
    A hostage can only be kept for 10 minutes before being executed / traded.
    GOs can fake collaborating with you in order to retrieve the hostages by force.
    Kidnaps do not need adverts. Use this for negotiations
    You do not have to advertise the hostage’s execution.

10. Basing Rules

10.1. Only rebels and rebel-leaning civilians are allowed to have a rebel base. Bases can be used to cook meth, organize raids, do RP or for other rebel activities.

10.2. Rebel Bases can be located in any hidden position as long as they don’t block any path. (The port is also considered as a hidden position)

10.3. GO can fortify the PD, the Garage and the outpost close to the Nexus with props and doors.

10.4. GO can make checkpoints if they’re approved by a MLE Inspector, UG Field Sergeant or Province Administrator. These checkpoints must be garrisoned at all times unless they’re left open. They need a keypad at each side.

10.5. Rebel Bases must have only 3 doors, with keypads to access each in both sides. The keypads must have a “Hold Length” of atleast 5 seconds.

10.6. Do not use one-way props in bases or abuse anything in order to kill attackers.

10.7. Do not block any map features / entities with bases.

10.8. Citizens are allowed to base with rebels, but Business Owners and Medics can’t exclusively base / side with a group. (Exceptions can be made, like a MLE Canteen or a Hospital)

Copyright Golden Squadron, 2015-2019.